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Vintage Garden tractors, implements, literature and parts for sale or looking to buy.
Vintage Garden tractors, implements, literature and parts for sale or looking to buy.
Below are Garden Tractors for sale sent in by other people. If you have an rare, unusual or odd ball garden tractor you want to list on this site send me the information along with a good picture and I will post on here for free. Use the "contact us" page to send the information or you can email the information plus pictures to
Daryel@raregardentractors.com. Also let me know if your tractor sells so I can mark it sold.
I have a freshly restored 1939 sears handiman tractor for sale has the original Briggs and Stratton model z engine runs great, has all new tires, and the original plow that has never been in the ground . Painted the original colors!! Not John deer green on the rims like many others do ! Asking $7000 obo contact Jeff at 1-574-527-1102 Pierceton Indiana.

Hawking metal products Wildcat garden tractor with mower deck. Its not a bantam but a take off from bantam built in same town as bantam. Restored, runs good, mower deck restored but not functional (bearings locked ).
Price is $2250.
Located in Frankfort indiana near layffette. 1-765-659-8480 Paul.
40's Perrin garden tractor
Gary Mantei
2855 Henderson Rd.
Redding, Ca. 96002
1-530 222 8658
Gary Mantei
2855 Henderson Rd.
Redding, Ca. 96002
1-530 222 8658

Pony Tractor Amusement Park Ride, runs and drives and original condition.
Contact John @ 1 660 221 4205
Located in Central Missouri and seller travels alot so delivery might be possible. He also uses fastenal to ship.
Price SOLD
Contact John @ 1 660 221 4205
Located in Central Missouri and seller travels alot so delivery might be possible. He also uses fastenal to ship.
Price SOLD

For Sale: 1948 Shaw Duall Model R6, complete with sickle bar mower, cultivator and plow. All original and in excellant condition. Very good tires.
Owners letters from company, original advertising and business checks. Pictures available. Asking $3800 Located south eastern Wyoming
Sold sold sold
Owners letters from company, original advertising and business checks. Pictures available. Asking $3800 Located south eastern Wyoming
Sold sold sold

Not my tractors must call number for information.
I have two 1948 Jaques Mighty Mites model 10.Will not seperate,call David for details 301-607-8080. Location Mount Airy M.D. More Pictures on Craigs List, search "antique garden tractors" in Frederick MD.
I have two 1948 Jaques Mighty Mites model 10.Will not seperate,call David for details 301-607-8080. Location Mount Airy M.D. More Pictures on Craigs List, search "antique garden tractors" in Frederick MD.
Below are our Garden Tractors that we have for Sale:

Mayrath standard model $4250.00

Mayrath standard, new tires, runs good. $3800 or trade for something odd that we don't have. See our list of "wanted"

jaques mighty mite. what you see is what you get. $150 as is where is.


Page garden tractor $sold

Bantam project needs motor and clutch. $sold

1940 Sears HandyMan
With front weight and cultivators
Has new 7.50 x 22 tires and tubes on back.
With front weight and cultivators
Has new 7.50 x 22 tires and tubes on back.

Mayrath standard model runs needs restored

Panzer T70 with mower deck $ 700

Struck Mini Beep, very good condition, 4 wheel drive and lights.
No motor.
No motor.

Struck MD1800 runs and drives but need some track replaced and restored

Panzer T60 older restoration runs, nice condition SOLD

Pennsylvania Panzer (Pennsylvania only) T75 this was what i used to mow with until the belt broke and never fixed it. sold sold

Pennsylvania Panzer T758es
Runs, nice original condition. 8 hp Kohler electric start. $750
On 5/14/12 this will be at the portland swap meet for sale.
Runs, nice original condition. 8 hp Kohler electric start. $750
On 5/14/12 this will be at the portland swap meet for sale.

Simplicity 700, good overall condition, runs but smokes, SOLD

Panzer T70b repainted needs completed, have original briggs engine and motor plate. SOLD

Copar Panzer Model A, one of first 300 made, nice restoration. "Sold"

Bantam 3000, runs and drives but wrong motor, has original wheels, seat and steering wheel. $800

1948 Atomic Babe. THis is a project but is mostly complete with correct novo motor and has a sickle bar. have a running Novo motor to go with it plus the one on the tractor. SOLD.

GEMCO Big Boy #1 original condition chain needs replaced for steering SOLD. SOLD

GEMCO Big Boy #2 needs restored but straight body and has engine SOLD

GEMCO Big Boy #3 good original condition

GEMCO Big Boy #4 good complete needs restored

Bantam 3000, both have later model motors, both run good and one has ball clutch and one has foot clutch.

Speedex S23 older restoration, runs needs battery

1957 Economy with one good tire and one new tire.

Pony Tractor Company amusement park ride. Older restoration.
Sell or trade SOLD
Sell or trade SOLD

Remember that Members get free classified adds in the Vintage Garden Tractor Club of America's newsletter. Click on the picture to the left to go to their web site and use the contact us page to send your classified ad. If your not already a member you should consider joining. Low yearly fee and great newsletter with lots of good useable information.